Baking 101: Mug Cake!

I've known for quite sometime that one of my very best friend, Sig, has been into baking recently. Every time we chat, I am always pushing her to bake for me since she has all the resources and the ingredients and of course the knowledge. Haha So last week, I asked her again to bake for me and she had sent a photo that contains all the ingredients and the process of making a Mug Cake. It was all easy! But I don't have the ingredients yet so I let it pass.

And so last wednesday while my boyfriend and I were making some home made pizza for everyone at home, I remembered the mug cake and immediately told my mother about it so she could buy all the ingredients for me. And she became somewhat excited. Hahaha

The next next day, I decided to do it since I have nothing in line for that day since it was also Holy Week so just staying at home is really a sort of 'social life' fasting hahaha chos.

So here's how I did it:

What You Need:

1/4 cup of Flour
An Egg
2 tbs of Cocoa powder
3 tbs of Milk
3 tbs of Sugar
3 tbs of Chocolate Chips
3 tbs of oil
A pinch of Salt
A dash of Vanilla Essence

First, prepare all the ingredients.

Note: Use baking gloves!

 I pour the flour and sugar first on a mixing bowl.

 Then I added the cocoa.

And the egg.

Mudra weren't be able to buy some chocolate chips so we use this Galaxy chocolate bar instead.


Seryoso, bro. Messy hair, bro.

Mudra put this extra table in the kitchen for me 'daw' which means she's expecting more baking. Whaaattt.

After mixing, pour everything in a mug. Make sure that you use a microwaveable friendly mug to avoid explotions. Haha BE SAFE.

Set the microwave oven for 2 minutes or in my case, I use a 4 consecutive 30 seconds because I cannot figure out how to set the timer. Hahaha


MUG CAKE plus my haggard face!

Masarap sya, in fairness. Not too sweet, not matabang. Tama lang for people who don't like too much sweets on their cakes. Try it guysssss! :>

Thanks for thanking photos my dear sister! :p


Me along with Rachel and Sig tried baking cookies yesterday! Check out Rachel's blog entry and be ready to see black cookies! Hahaha http://mspoopypants.blogspot.com/2014/04/how-to-burn-uh-bake-woops-cookies-with.html/!!!!