Things are bound to happen, whether it's your sweetest desire or your mere downfall. You either share it by mouth, keep it, or just let your emotions do the talk. Well, for me.. this is how I share mine (partly). It's either my own sorts of stories or the fact that I just think too much.

LA started writing when she was in grade school sending out love notes and random letters to her friends. She tries to get back into reading, likes watching movie trailers and music videos (or anything lovely on the internet), and listening to film scores whenever she feels down. She is into theatre, writing, and a little bit of everything (really). Currently she's into KDramas, KPop, and finding her 'whys'— she dreams on inspiring people through her patched words.

This is where you can find evidences of her never ending spiels and all the other things she may find worth sharing. Out of journal ramblings and out of corporate compositions.

This blog serves an archive of things and feelings as she writes so as not to forget.

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