I think I think too much.

So I just received a GM from my friend which kind of states that if you really want a happy life, you should stop worrying about things. Does this mean I am not living a happy life?
As much as I hate to admit, I am a total paranoid with small stuffs that I shouldn't be thinking about. As what my accounting professor once said, "Don't sweat it". I think I have self issues that I need to resolve. Haha. No. I think that is way over stated. I just can't handle and help myself from thinking over things again and again. Too bad that I'm hating deep thinking quite a bit.
Even when I am very sleepy, this things keep raging inside my head. It's like some virus that cannot be resolved easily. It makes me feel bipolar.. a lazy bipolar girl who.. BUM. BUM. BUM.
I should: Not thinking about anything. Not thinking about everything. I must keep myself happy, positive and full of energy. Law of Attraction. Law of Attraction.

This is a post I made few days ago. I was so worried by then for unknown reasons. I had attended a regular 6pm mass and viola! my worries had gone now. Well, not really all gone but it's different now. Whenever this feeling comes to me again, It doesn't have the same impact to me anymore. The power of prayers♥.

Anyhoo, I changed my background into something B&W because I'm attracted to those things lately. And after a long time deciding about changing my url into something, I already did. Also for my tumblr too. It's time for a change. Good change. :)